Real Estate In Phoenix Provides Financial Benefits
Many experts often disagree on whether or not real estate in Phoenix is a sound investment. Those that don’t believe it is, however, often forget that owning a home is one of the most practical investments out there because not only does it provide you with a place to live, it also provides you with […]
Think You Can’t Afford Real Estate In Phoenix? Think Again.
One of the biggest reasons that people choose to stay renters instead of purchasing real estate in Phoenix is because they think they can’t afford homeownership. This is perhaps one of the biggest myths that circulates throughout the real estate market in Phoenix and, actually, throughout the entire nation, that owning a home is expensive. […]
Ask Your Real Estate Agent In Phoenix About The MFDRA
Has your real estate agent in Phoenix told you about the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act yet? If not, we’d like to tell you a little bit about it today because of the benefits it has to offer homeowners that are selling their home via short sale on the real estate market in Phoenix. If […]
Does Your Real Estate Agent In Tempe Know All Facets Of A Short Sale?
Do you need to sell your home but are underwater? Are you looking for a real estate agent in Tempe that can show you what your alternatives are at this point? The team at Wells Realty and Law Groups say that the best option for underwater homeowners is probably a short sale. Of course, this […]