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Short Sale May Be Option To Capitalize On Real Estate In Gilbert

If you are considering selling your home make sure to find an agent with both legal and real estate experience. Whether you are current on your mortgage or have missed payments there are numerous options for selling your distresed property and finding new real estate in Gilbert. Take advantage of the knowledge you will find with a realtor that is a lawyer working in the Gilbert market.

If your home is worth less than what you currently owe, which is often the case in Arizona, a short sale may be your best option for selling. Real estate in Gilbert is still widely available in part due to foreclosures and the correction in the market over the last few years. Thankfully with stabilizing home prices and mortgage rates at all-time lows, homeowners have been able to find the right home for their situation at a much better price. Whether you are current on your mortgage or have missed a payment a short sale is a strong possibility for homeowners in Gilbert. By selling your home for less than what you owe you are able to walk away from a large amount of debt while also finding a new home in a market that has adjusted. A short sale will require negotiations with your lender since their debt being forgiven which is why a realtor that is also a lawyer makes the most sense. Real estate in Gilbert is still widely available with single family units, condos, and town homes on the market everywhere. A real estate lawyer can have your short sale completed in only a few months and moving on to your next home. Located only a half hour from both Phoenix and Tempe real estate in Gilbert is perfect for those who love the big city but don’t want to live in.

So if you feel trapped by your underwater mortgage consider contacting a realtor with real estate experience in Gilbert to discuss your options. Completing a short sale should be treated like a business decision and for this reason a real estate lawyer may be the right agent for you.