Homes in Murray of Salt Lake City, UT
See all homes for sale in Murray of Salt Lake City, UT. Is it time to sell? Find out what your home in Murray of Salt Lake City, UT is worth.
If you’re looking to live in the Salt Lake Valley, you’re going to more than likely be making multiple passes through the town of Murray, nicknamed the Hub of Salt Lake County. Once a large in heavy industry, Murray has evolved into a mercantile a plenty center that has about everything there is offer. Murray is also one of those rare communities that operates its own city utilities and services including police and fire, power and water, parks and recreations centers. They even operate their own school district. Also has one of the lowest city tax rates in the state. Murray is also home to Intermountain Medical Center, the flagship and largest hospital in the Intermountain West. Located practically in the center of the Salt Lake Valley, travels to nearby communities, including downtown Salt Lake are quick and simple. If you want a little bit of everything the Salt Lake Valley has to offer, Murray is the community for you.
Looking for a home in Murray?
If you are interested in the current homes for sale in Murray Neighborhood of Salt Lake City, UT click on the link. Our property information is a direct feed from the Utah Real Estate MLS and is constantly kept up to date throughout the day. If you’re interested in ANY of these homes, contact us at (801) 810-4054 to schedule a showing!
What’s Going on Nearby the Murray Neighborhood?
Murray is located 7.8 miles (13-minute ride with no traffic) via I-15 N from downtown Salt Lake City, 37.9 miles (42 minutes with no traffic) via I-15 S to downtown Provo. Find out about everything that is nearby to Murray including places of worship, banking, shopping, attractions and recreation and much more on this map:
Spacious Quality Built Homes
Murray homes range from old to new as Murray was settled in 1848. Average median home values $170,000 to $219,000. Average sqft you can expect to find range from 1,800 to 2,200 for most homes. Murray is a great location for new home owners or those looking to upsize to accommodate their growing families.
What Schools will the Kids Attend?
The Murray City School District is run by the city and contains 10 schools overall. Seven elementaries, two Jr. Highs (Riverview and Hillcrest) and one large High School, Murray High.
Interesting fact: Murray High was used for filming for parts of the High School Musical series.
Now You Really Want to Find a Home Here, Right

If you are interested in the current homes for sale in Murray Neighborhood of Salt Lake City, UT click on the link. Our property information is a direct feed from the Utah Real Estate MLS and is constantly kept up to date throughout the day. If you’re interested in ANY of these homes, contact us at (801) 810-4054 to schedule a showing![/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]