City Spotlight: Chandler, Arizona
Homes in Chandler of Phoenix, Arizona See all homes for sale in Chandler of Phoenix, Arizona. Is it time to sell? Find out what your home in Chandler of Phoenix, Arizona is worth. The City of Chandler has seen one of the highest population growths in the Phoenix area. In 1980, population was reported at around 30,000 and now has […]
City Spotlight: Draper, Utah
Homes in Draper of Salt Lake City, UT See all homes for sale in Draper of Salt Lake City, UT. Is it time to sell? Find out what your home in Draper of Salt Lake City, UT is worth. Draper is located at the southern end of the Salt Lake Valley and is close to the Wasatch Mountains which there […]
5 Things to Consider Whether You’re Buying or Selling A Home Without An Agent
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I am a real estate attorney. I am also a real estate agent. After graduating law school in 2008, I jumped into the housing market with both feet. You see, during my last two years of law school the housing market crashed. I will admit, I watched the crash with a bit of glee, because […]
4 Types of Property Damage and Ways To Prevent Them
BOOM SPLASH ZAP! These are sounds we hope to never hear in our homes. Damage costs place the biggest strain on a home owner’s budget outside of the mortgage. Here are some hazards that, with proper care and savings in place, can potentially be prevented. When buying a home it can be easy to minimize […]