Loan Modification Failure
I have finally had it with loan modifications. People need to know the truth. If a loan modification request fails, you will likely end up being foreclosed on. If the bank has gone all the way down to the last month before foreclosure, there is no reward at the end to incentivise the bank to […]
Short Sale Approved in One Week!!
There is hope for Arizona homeowners considering a short sale, some of the banks are starting to get their acts together. On Monday of last week, we submitted a Wells Law Group short sale packet to a lender requesting a short sale on behalf of one of our clients. On Friday, we received an approval […]
Questions and Answers: Received Notice Of Trustee’s Sale, Can I Stop Foreclosure?
The first thing you must realize is that you have 90 days from the date the notice is recorded. That means you still have about three months before the house is sold. You still have time to act, but you must do so immediately. So, you need to act, but what should you do? You […]
Arizona S.B. 1451 – The Good, The Bad, The Uncertainty